It is common knowledge that oral health is crucial to overall well-being, but not everyone understands the extent of the connection between the two. Your oral health can indicate issues with your overall health, and vice versa. If you are looking for more information on the link between oral health and overall health, keep reading. As an orthodontist Henderson, I have seen firsthand how oral health impacts patients' overall health.
First and foremost, good oral health can contribute to good overall health. Proper oral hygiene can prevent tooth decay and gum disease, which can lead to infections and inflammation in other parts of the body if left untreated. Infections and inflammation can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, making it essential to keep your mouth clean. Orthodontist in Henderson will recommend brushing twice a day and flossing at least once to maintain good oral hygiene.
Second, poor oral health can contribute to poor overall health. Poor oral health has been linked to diabetes because diabetes increases the risk of gum disease. Gum disease also makes it harder to control blood sugar levels, which can lead to complications with diabetes. Poor oral health has also been linked to respiratory infections, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's disease. In some cases, bacteria from gum disease can enter your bloodstream, which can cause infections in other parts of the body.
Third, several medical conditions can affect oral health. For example, diabetes and cancer treatments can cause oral health issues, including dry mouth, infections, and gum disease. If you have existing medical conditions, it is essential to inform your orthodontist in Henderson. Your orthodontist can work with your other healthcare providers to come up with a comprehensive treatment plan.
Fourth, orthodontic treatment can improve oral health. Teeth that are crooked or crowded are harder to clean. If you cannot clean your teeth effectively, it can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Orthodontic treatment can straighten your teeth and correct your bite, making it easier to brush and floss effectively. As a result, your oral health can improve, and you can reduce your risk of developing other health issues.
The link between oral health and overall health is essential to understand. Good oral hygiene can contribute to good overall health, while poor oral health can contribute to poor overall health. Several medical conditions can also affect oral health, which is why it is essential to inform your orthodontist Henderson. If you are looking to improve your oral health, orthodontic treatment may be a great option for you. Remember to brush twice a day, floss at least once a day, and always attend your regular dental check-ups. By doing so, you can promote good oral health and reduce your risk of developing other health issues.
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